

Add Directory command

Class Wrangler 127

Add File button

Class Wrangler 121

Add Files command

Class Wrangler 125

Add links to the Java API docs

JavaDoc Project panel 117

All exceptions command 73

Applet project type

Java Target panel 95

Applet Viewer setting

Java Target panel 95 61


choosing viewer 74

debugging 73-76

defined 59

Application project type

Java Target panel 98


creating 114

debugging 73-76

defined 60

Assembler view

in MWDebug 75


BCIþSee bytecode interpreter

Binary Transfer

FTP Post-Linker panel 107

build target

defined 32


compared to object code 20

defined 19

bytecode interpreter defined 21


class files

debugging 72-76

Class Folder option

Java Output panel 112

Name field 112

class folders

defined 68

filename truncation 112

specifying as output type 65

Class for Debugging

Java Settings panel 82

Class Wranger

Factory button 131

Filename truncation preference 132

Class Wrangler 119-136

Add Directory command 127

Add File button 121

Add Files command 125

Compare Files command 135

Compare Using Contents option 136

Comparing Archives 135-136

Compressed button 121

Delete button 121

Edit Manifest command 119, 130

Extract Item button 121

Generate Manifest button 121

Get Info button 121

JavaBean column 121

Open items collapsed preference 135

Preferences 131-135

Prompt for file at startup preference 135

Show full pathname preference 134

Type ahead selection delay preference 132

Use full package name for type ahead 132

Verify manifest when opening files preference 135 file 68


documentation folder 14

integrated development environment (IDE) 22

release notes 7

tutorials 14

year 2000 compliance 15

Compare Files command

Class Wrangler 135

Compare Using Contents

Class Wrangler 136

Comparing Archives

Class Wrangler 135-136


Java Output panel 113, 114

Compressed button

Class Wrangler 121

Console Application

Java Output panel 114

conventions 8

figures 9

host terminology 9

keyboard shortcuts 10

Creator field

Java Output panel 113


Debug all class files in directory hierarchy 73

Debug all class files in directory hierarchy (Debugger) 77

Debugger User Guide 46

debugging 67, 71-76

Delete button

Class Wrangler 121

development tools

CodeWarrior IDE 22


class files 75

Discover Programming 15


CodeWarrior Documentation folder 14

Debugger User Guide 46

Discover Programming 15

IDE User Guide 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 39, 71

Java API Documentation 14

Java Language Tutorial 14

Learn Java on the Macintosh 14


Edit Manifest command

Class Wrangler 119, 130

encoding options

JavaDoc Project panel 117

Exceptions in targeted classes command 73

exceptions, breaking on 73

Extract Item button

Class Wrangler 121


Factory button

Class Wranger 131

figure conventions 9

File Type field

Java Output panel 113

Filename truncation

Class Wrangler 132

Filename Truncation menu

Java Output panel 112

Filter using file contents

in Add Files dialog box 126

in Open dialog boxes 123

Filter using file extension

in Add Files dialog box 126

in Open dialog boxes 123

Folder to Upload

FTP Post-Linker panel 107

FTP Post-Linker panel 106-107

Binary Transfer 107

Folder to Upload 107

Generate Log 107

Host Address 107

Password 107

Remote Directory 107

User Name 107


Generate Coments in Headers

Java Language panel 104

Generate Headers for All Methods

Java Language panel 104, 105

Generate hierarchy

JavaDoc Project panel 116

Generate index

JavaDoc Project panel 116

Generate Log

FTP Post-Linker panel 107

Generate Mac-friendly filenames

JavaDoc Project panel 115

Generate Manifest

Java Output panel 113, 114

Generate Manifest button

Class Wrangler 121

Get Info button

Class Wrangler 121


Host Address

FTP Post-Linker panel 107

host terminology conventions 9

HTML file creator code

JavaDoc Project panel 116


IDE. See CodeWarrior, integrated development environment

IDE User Guide 14, 22, 23, 33, 34, 39, 71

Ignore @author comments

JavaDoc Project panel 115

Ignore @deprecated comments

JavaDoc Project panel 115

Ignore @version comments

JavaDoc Project panel 115

installing Java 18


Jar file

and manifest information 121, 135

as Library 60

defined 68, 113

specifying as output type 65

Jar File option

Java Output panel 113

Jar files

compressed 113

Jar files (Java Archive files) 122


applet 59

Application 60

bytecode 19

development process 19

installing 18

Library 60

naming conventions 38

overview 19

projects See projects

system requirements 17

tutorial See tutorial

virtual machine 19

Java API Documentation 14

Java Language panel

Generate Comments in Headers 104

Generate Headers for All Methods 104, 105

Java Language Tutorial 14

Java Mac OS Post Linker Settings 108-112

Java Output panel 112-114

compress 113, 114

Console Application 114

Creator field 113

Delete class files from output directory before linking 112

File Type field 113

Filename Truncation menu 112

Generate Manifest 113, 114

Output Type

Application 114

Class folder 112

Jar File 113

Java platform 22

Java Settings panel 82

Class for Debugging 82

JView Arguments 82

Program Arguments 82

Java Target panel 95-100

Applet project type 95

Applet Viewer setting 95

Application project type 98

Library project type 100

Main Class field 98

Parameters field 99

Target Type pop-up menu 95

Virtual Machine setting 96

VM Arguments setting 98

Working Directory setting 100

JavaBean 121

JavaBean column

Class Wrangler 121

JavaDoc 24, 85-90

JavaDoc Project panel 115-117

Add links to the Java API docs 117

Encoding Options 117

Generate hierarchy 116

Generate Mac-friendly filenames 115

HTML file creator code 116

Ignore @author comments 115

Ignore @deprecated comments 115

Ignore @version comments 115

Output as folder hierarchy 116

Output encoding 117

Scope popup menu 116

Source file encoding 117

JavaDocProject panel

Generate index 116

JBindery 108, 137

Creating a Standalone Application 137

JView Arguments

Java Settings panel 82


keyboard conventions 10

Solaris 11


Learn Java on the Macintosh 14


defined 60

Library project type

Java Target panel 100

linker option 93


Mac OS platform 22

Mac OS Zip 111

Main Class field

Java Target panel 98

manual style 8

Mixed view

in MWDebug 75

Multi-language debugging 72


Assembler view 75

Mixed view 75


Name field

Class folder option 112

No exceptions command 73


object code

compared to bytecode 20

Open items collapsed

Class Wrangler 135

Output as folder hierarchy

JavaDoc Project panel 116

output directory option 94

Output encoding

JavaDoc Project panel 117


Parameters field

Java Target panel 99


FTP Post-Linker panel 107


Java 22

Mac OS 22

Win32 22

Post-linker option 94

PowerPC processor 22

Pre-linker option 94


PowerPC 22

68K 22

x86 22

Program Arguments

Java Settings panel 82

Project Stationery

described 60

project types 59


creating 62

Prompt for file at startup

Class Wrangler 135


release notes 7

Remote Directory

FTP Post-Linker panel 107


Scope popup menu

JavaDoc Project panel 116

shortcut conventions 10

Solaris 11

Show all files

in Add Files dialog box 126

in Open dialog boxes 123

Show full pathname

Class Wrangler 134

Show Processes command (MWDebug) 74

68K processor 22


keyboard conventions 11

Source file encoding

JavaDoc Project panel 117


target name option 93

target See build target

Target Settings panel 92-94

Troubleshooting 141-144


adding files 37

bounce effect 26

build targets 32

changing output name 35

changing output type 34

changing target name 34

compiling 41

creating a new project 29

debugging 45

editing 39

enabling the debugger 46

errors & warnings window 42

excercise 53

number of slides parameter 53

size and orientation parameter 54

slide sequence parameter 56

sound slide parameter 55

using the new parameters 57

fixing syntax errors 43

Java applet description 26

removing files 37

running the applet 45

setting breakpoints 46

solution location 28

sound 26

starting a debug session 48

stepping the debugger 50

stopping the debugger 51

theory of operation 26

illustration 27

turning debugging on for a file 46

using the function pop-up menu 46

type ahead selection 122

Type ahead selection delay

Class Wrangler 132

typographical conventions 8


Unicode 117

Use full package name for type ahead

Class Wrangler 132

User Name

FTP Post-Linker panel 107


Verify manifest when opening files

Class Wrangler 135

virtual machine

adding (Solaris) 97

and platform-independent code 19

defined 19

Virtual Machine setting

Java Target panel 96

VM Arguments

Java Target panel 98


Win32 platform 22

Working Directory setting

Java Target panel 100

Wrangler, Class 119-136


x86 processor 22


year 2000 compliance 15


zip files 60

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Last updated: May 24, 1999 * Chris Magnuson * John Roseborough